Patients & Families
Drug and Alcohol addiction can happen in any family! It crosses all demographics, rich and poor, in all regions across the US and spans all cultures and social groups. The US government recognizes that drug and alcohol addiction is a serious national health problem.
Living with the illness hurts both the addicted person and the family members, and children and adolescents of the family tend to find this to be extremely distressing and damaging. The hardest thing to do is to ask for help, and we know that first request for help is always the toughest.
We recognize that people fear being judged or labeled, but the staff at Axiom Care would like to reassure you that it’s ok; we are not here to judge but to confirm help really is available and people do recover!
There is a huge amount of literature available to help with addiction for adults and children of all ages. The SAMHSA website is a great resource for getting started.
If your family member is coming into treatment with us, you may still have questions. One of the requirements under law is that for us to be able to release any information to you there has to be a Release of Information form signed by the client. Once this is signed, we can discuss the information which has been agreed to within the document.
We have a dedicated Intake team who can assist and help you or your family get connected to treatment. We can help with arranging an Intake for an assessment to see what level of care or treatment would be appropriate or we can provide a host of resources.
So What Happens Next?
Our Intake coordinators will ask a series of questions to determine if a face-to-face assessment is the next appropriate step. We work hard to make the intake process as simple as possible for our clients and try to schedule assessments the same day.
The client is invited for a full assessment and will complete an in depth interview with a licensed counselor. The counselor will ask questions about the current concerns with any drug/alcohol use, recent and past experiences, and medical and psychiatric history. This process allows us to efficiently and effectively evaluate current symptoms so that we can provide the most appropriate level of care based on the unique needs of a client.
What should I bring with me?
Please be advised space is very limited. Any excess items bought to the facility will have to be removed or collection arranged. Please bring with you the following items:
- Sufficient clothes for 2 weeks
- 2 pairs of shoes
- Slippers or flipflops for after shower
- Personal hygiene /toiletry items
- Large bath towel and small hand towel
- Personal sheets and pillowcase
- Personal Blanket (if preferred)
Am I allowed to bring any additional items with me?
At some of our facilities clients stay for longer periods and are helped with finding employment and connecting with community resources. When advised, you may be able to have the following additional items:
- A personal cell phone
- A personal laptop
- A small personal TV
- One bike for personal transportation
- Personal food items to allow for unscheduled meals (limited space available)
What am I not allowed to bring?
Clients are not allowed to bring weapons of any kind, including guns, swords and axes. No illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia or any over the counter medications. No tools or instruments for tattoos, loud speakers or furniture.
Can I drop personal items off to my relatives?
Clients are advised what they can or cannot bring prior to arriving at the facilities. If they follow the guidelines, additional items should not be necessary.
Can I visit with my relative?
If your relative is resident in any of our facilities, you are not able to visit with them. We really want them to maximize the opportunity and to focus on their recovery and participate in the recovery program.
How long will they stay at your facility?
Typically the stay can range from 60-90 days. This is dependent upon insurance or if they are part of a specific justice program.
Can I have food delivered?
No, we provide all meals and snacks to the clients.
Can I stop by with additional personal/ hygiene items for my relative?
We ask all clients to bring sufficient hygiene products for their stay, we can provide emergency supplies if needed.
If there is an emergency, can I call my relative?
In an emergency, please call our office number and we will pass a message to your family member 602-626-8112 or use the contact us form on the website. Please be advised that if no Release of Information (ROI) form is in place we will be unable to confirm or deny that they are at one of our facilities.